Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm Ready To Begin The Journey!

I owe the inspiration for this blog to Christina at Never The Skinny Girl.  It was the middle of the night last week when I discovered her blog while spending yet another sleepless night surfing the internet.  Her postings inspired me to take the first step towards regaining my health - acknowledging that I am the only one who can change my life. 

I've spent the last week debating whether or not I was really ready this time.  I've started so many "Monday Morning" diets and I don't want to go back to that pattern.  But over the last week I've read not only Christina's blog but many of the blogs she follows.  And, I am bursting with enthusiasm!  Thank you to everyone who has posted their struggles and their triumphs.  You have touched my life and made me believe that this time I CAN do it!

Let the journey begin!


  1. I just want to officially welcome you to the wonderful world of weight loss blogging. I also want to thank you for mentioning me in your post above and I'm glad that myself and others have inspired you to take this step. If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here for you and I will help you anyway I can. There are so many great people on here and you will see as your blog grows. Don't be afraid to ask questions to any of us or comment on our blogs because we all love getting comments. Good luck and never give up.

  2. Just one more thing I hope you don't mind me mentioning your blog on mine and that will get you started with some visitors. And I just became your first follower and I will be adding your blog to my list of favorites so I can keep an eye on how you are doing.

  3. Saw your blog on Christina's!! :) Just wanted to wish you a bunch of good luck with this journey!!

  4. Good for you Kaye!!!! You can do it!

  5. Hi Kaye,

    You will be welcomed into this community with open arms and given the support and encouragement you need on the GOOD days and on the BAD days. We are here no matter what. I look forward to getting to know more about you in future posts.


  6. Thank you Christina, Trisha, jd6405 and Sharon for such a warm welcome. I am reading all your blogs and many others. I'm learning so much from each of you. Thanks for your support!

  7. Good luck on your journey!! Way to take the first step. It's the hardest one.

  8. Hooray for Kaye! What's next, Kaye? Can't wait to find out more about you :)

  9. The first step is the hardest. Welcome to our little corner of the internet world. The world is your oyster now!

    Polar's Mom

  10. Welcome to the blogoshpere, Kaye! Can't wait to follow your journey =)

    <3 Katie

  11. Thank you Kendra, Lanie, Polar's Mom, Katie and Christina for the warm welcome! Starting this blog is my first step. Telling more about myself is going to be so much harder. But I will tell my story and I'll start tomorrow. Thank you all so much for the encouragment!
